We have enough talkers in Congress. It’s time for leaders who will champion the most critical issues facing our country. That’s why you can count on me in Congress - I’ll fight with all I have to protect reproductive freedom, offer practical solutions on climate change and gun violence, advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community, help create good-paying local jobs, build an economy that works for all people, and give you a representative you can be proud of.

  • Reproductive freedom is personal to me. My son, Joey, was conceived through IVF (in vitro fertilization) which was protected by Roe v. Wade. Without Roe v. Wade, I would not be a dad. This personal experience ingrained in me a deep commitment to protect women’s healthcare and their freedom of choice. I will fight to:

    >>> Codify Roe v. Wade
    >>> Protect and advance reproductive freedom
    >>> Expand protections in women’s healthcare
    >>> Improve access to affordable healthcare
    >>> Advance paid maternity leave
    >>> Improve access to contraception

  • We should be tired of politicians that talk about climate change but do nothing about it. I have concrete solutions that will reduce our carbon footprint and mitigate climatic extremes. I didn’t fight fires to just save lives and personal property - I fought them to also save the environment. Climatic extremes are deteriorating our environment - wildfires are one of the main causes of these extremes.

    Most don’t know this, but one 100,000-acre wildfire produces more CO2 greenhouse gas emissions than 7 million cars running simultaneously and continuously for a year. Even a 1-acre fire releases 12 tons of CO2 greenhouse gas emissions that remain in the atmosphere for the next 100 years. And in California, we can burn upwards of 4 million acres per year.

    No other member of Congress would have this expertise. We can’t solve climate change without solving wildfires first. Who better to solve this problem than a 34-year firefighter. In Congress, I’ll fight to:

    >>> Secure federal funding for AI technology that would identify wildfires across California before they become out-of-control
    >>> Hold serial polluters accountable. As Vice Chair of the Regional Water Quality Control Board, I was one of the first in the country to fine serial polluters. I’ve done it before, I’ll do it again.

  • As a labor leader, I have worked on behalf of California’s working people for decades. I led the charge to pass over 200 bills and initiatives and get them signed into law, some of which addressed policies to help working people. I will take this experience in the labor movement with me to Congress in an effort to create an economy that works for all people. I will:

    >>> Fight for good jobs because good jobs feed a good economy. Jobs with healthy benefits so that workers can invest back into the economy.
    >>> Support small businesses
    >>> Ensure major corporations pay their fair share
    >>> Fight for a common sense increase in the minimum wage
    >>> Bring federal dollars back to the district, creating jobs right here at home
    >>> Grow the middle class, lower costs, and strengthen our economy

  • Recently, there have been two mass shootings in the 40th Congressional District. In response, incumbent Young Kim continues to take money from the NRA and ignore this crisis. The shooting at Cook’s Corner in Trabuco Canyon hits close to home for me. It is a place my family would frequent for their Wednesday night spaghetti. For some reason that I still can’t explain, my family and I decided not to go that night. In Congress, I will lead on this issue:

    >>> Universal background checks
    >>> Ban assault weapons
    >>> Stronger restrictions on firearm availability to those with mental health concerns or that are flagged to law enforcement
    >>> Remove the availability of high capacity magazines
    >>> Enforce waiting periods

  • While we work to create an economy that works for all people, I will also lead the charge to make life more affordable in all aspects.

    >>> Fight for Affordable Housing
    What is affordable to one isn’t always affordable to another. We need to take a wholesome and aggressive approach to the housing crisis.

    >>> Fight for Affordable Healthcare
    As President of the Orange County Professional Firefighters, I created our own healthcare system for firefighters, retirees, and their families. It lowered the overall cost and increased benefits without raising taxes a single penny. I’ll take this knowledge with me to Congress as we fight for affordable healthcare solutions.

    >>> Deliver Real Solutions on Homelessness
    Unfortunately, at one point or another, a member of my family has experienced homelessness. And as a first responder, I have the real-life experience to tackle this issue in both the short-term and long-term.

    More priorities:

    >>> Make college more affordable
    >>> Reduce the cost of living
    >>> Bring down the cost of prescription drugs
    >>> Protect Social Security and Medicare

  • As a Fire Captain and labor leader, I had the honor of fighting to protect members of the LGBTQIA+ community, their economic opportunity, and equality in the workplace. In Congress, I will continue my work to protect the LGBTQIA+ community and expand their rights.

    >>> Support and advocate for passage of the Equality Act.
    >>> Protect marriage equality.
    >>> Support increased funding for HIV and AIDS prevention, research, and treatment.
    >>> Address discrimination through a wholesome federal response.
    >>> Oppose any effort to discriminate and limit opportunity for LGBTQIA+ people, publicly or privately.